I received an email from a marriage ministry about 3 ways to keep marriage fueled.
1. Start your day in the presence of God. Having a spiritual practice you do early in the morning before starting your day helps remind you of your connection to the Creator and to your beloved. The gifts of patience, kindness, joy, peace, etc. have been extended to us by God and what better person to pass them on to.
2. Meet your spouse's needs. Outside of sex and fun, marriage can get dull and just go through the motions. Spending time together regularly such as short walks, small talk, and being in one another's company make marriage meaningful. Also taking time away for date nights and mini vacations can keep the bond intact and allow time to do marital checkups or check-ins. Keep it light and enjoy the moment or else the check-ins can turn your date night into a less than enjoyable experience.
3. Having good friends in our lives who support us is paramount. Spending time with friends can fuel our individual engines as well as couple engine. Our friends add to us by encouraging and uplifting us. Being surrounded by good friends are like pillars on a building that hold up the foundation.
I hope that these 3 tips have given you some fuel to fill up your marriage tank.
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